Tory tax-dodging; what they’ll do next

Distract, incite and inflame

When the Tories regroup from their current Eton mess, they’ll seek to draw attention away from their own venal activities by doing what comes naturally to them; they’ll try to turn working class people against one another. They’ll stir up racism and xenophobia, resentment against public sector workers, hatred of the poor, disabled and people on benefits. They’ll point their fingers and say why should X get something that Y hasn’t got? With support from the right-wing media it has sadly been a successful tactic in the past. biscuit

When bankers crashed the world economy with their reckless greed and were bailed out with public money, the Tories blamed the public sector and squeezed public services and workers dry while bankers continued to pay themselves billions in wages and bonuses. War, refugees, terrorism will all be used to try to bring the worst instincts out in people and to distract people from the anti-working class war, slash and burn policies, corruption and incompetence of the government.

The mainstream media will obediently go along with this agenda as it has always done. We must counter this vehemently. Tory lies, manipulation, distraction must fail; solidarity must prevail. (Hey, that rhymes!)